Saturday, December 30, 2006

The polite side of gaming: 1

Gamers: Please do not ignore all stimuli coming from a source other than your xbox.

Non-gamers: please do not treat someone playing a videogame as if they aren't really doing anything.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Bathroom behavior: 1

When using a public bathroom, make sure everything goes down all the way. If nothing goes down, sneak out before anyone can see who did it.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Don't be that guy: 1

Treat social situations like the SAT, if you don't have a reasonable answer, leave it blank.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Netiquette: 1

Just because you are writing online does not mean anyone can understand what you are trying to say without the use of punctuation.


I have decided that in my many travels and experiences that I have picked up an amazing amount of knowledge on...well...everything. I have therefore taken it upon myself dear readers to pass what I have learned on to you in the form of short, nearly meaningless snippets of wisdom. Now the vast ocean of my brain will be open for all the world. Incidentally, despite my vast resource of knowledge, I never quite got spelling down, so please do not dismiss me on account of that. Also, occasionally, my grammar is slightly less than correct, please ignore this. Also, some of these may have no meaning at all, I will leave it to you to decipher which ones. Enjoy!
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