Monday, May 14, 2007

Signs you're an alcoholic: 1

"It used to be that when you took a shot of Rumplemintz you had to remember not to swish. Now when you are gargling mouthwash you have to remember not to swallow."

-Paraphrased from Ray Pawulich.


Blogger Maryann said...

That's why you shouldn't drink that filthy shit ever.

By the by, I posted a picture on myspace that I took while on vacation, *specifically* for you. I know you will enjoy it. It's under "Key West 2007."

8:38 AM, May 19, 2007  
Blogger Katy said...

I think drinking Rumplemintz itself is a sign of being an alcoholic. If you drink that shit you'll drink lighter fluid to get a buzz. Nasty.

7:07 AM, May 22, 2007  

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